mercredi, mai 19, 2010

One Year...(19/5)

Already stated in many different occasions, change management to me is a good strategy to manage a life. Stable life is admirable but stimulation is the key to keep going forward, at least at a certain stage of life when stability could erase all the motivation and incentive to advance. My Year One of full-time academic discovery just ended, in style. Puzzling doubt and yet-to-be-accredited choice of action remain a counter-balancing force to rationalize the unconventional behaviour among the peers. Of course it turns out to be another question about the standard of norms of best critical path to meaningful life. The year has been intensive yet enjoyable...
At a certain point when the momentum halts, there is a question mark pointing to the justification of pursuit of knowledge against financial remuneration or social status. Luckily we do not enter the conscious world with a materialistic equipment kit. I return to the city of love, and the familiar environment encourages me to keep an unstable move in a stablised ambience. Met with people of different origins and most of them share some part of visions I try to pursue. Age is an unfair pre-requisite judgment to youthfulness (or maturity) and experience. I barely pick up my words in different languages. Political science has never been a formal training in life I have ever had, though I used to have a dream to practice decision-making in life. The year has been an accommodating period of everything. Still another process of self-learning. The setting broadens my interpretation of cultural difference, since seniority or business interest no longer places a rule to neutralize different cultural beliefs and understanding. A stream of new discovery in global complexity and tactics for international governance comes up in mind. A re-orientation of career planning and possibility. Life is more than it can tell sometimes. Of course, promoting for Hong Kong is still an automated process for daily communication. All in all, Hong Kong is a small spot in the world, despite how efficient it has developed and how strategic it plays in the regional trade development.

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