vendredi, janvier 01, 2010

The Broadcast...(1/1)

It was a brain-storming exercise with a decade of music hanging over a collage-like impression of streaming motion. Imagine a moment of time when the space was flooded with the different syntheses of sound components, the better sound (haha sound) is sometimes omitted under layers of the best. I was thinking of compiling a list of missing great works in the first decade of the new century, and a recovery of the much experimental songs of the group Broadcast in my ipod has definitely been an enjoyable moment...
This tribute coincided by chance with the favour Wired magazine on their best pick of 2009. The group emerged with a fascinating resonance of the Stereolab-type electronic music in 1997. Harmonised with the synthetic playing of instruments and branded under Warp label, their works has though been underestimated. I still recall the first encountering of their debut work and non work...the foggy mood of "the accidentals"...that was really a stunning atmospheric ambience. More than a decade later, their sound comes back in such an uneroded style of magnificence...Broadcast yourself in Youtube with the Broadcast...

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